Thursday 28 November 2019

internet of things - reflection

Reflection - I learned alot about the internet of things while doing my project, mainly about the relevance to modern life and it makes me think about how lucky I am in comparison to how hard peoples lives in the past were and how my children and grandchildren's lives will be affected by iot devices. During the entire process many Wall-E jokes were made about how that's how people are going. We each learned by doing our own independent research and then bringing our findings together to teach each other and share data, we mainly communicated in person and spent extra time on campus doing research as opposed to being completely separate from each other and occasionally meeting up. I found this to be better as it meant we each knew that each person was pulling their weight. Unfortunately there were things that we each agreed to do at home which is where it seemed there were times where people were not doing their fair share of the workload and not putting in as much effort.

I discovered that making infographics was much more difficult to do than i would have given someone credit for previously as the simple enough looking one i made for the presentation took far longer and took much more effort to do than i would have thought. Although it did give me an incentive to create something more visual and to be creative with what i would do for the project.

Being the only one with experience using google sheets I was also able to teach my teammates how to use it to help show off the survey data and create the pie chart we ended up using in our presentation. I believe this created a good learning experience for my team as it will likely be useful if future projects they have to do.

Our biggest failure for the project was the lack of images and having too much text on screen meaning viewers were left reading instead of listening to us explain or summarizing. This also did not give the presentation a good look or flow as some slides contained only images and some may aswell have had nothing but text as it covered up any smaller images. I believe the root of this issue was people becoming worried about forgetting what they had learned and wanting to keep what should have been notes on the actual slides.
There was also a lack of clear data as the pie chart we created did show  a list of items but it did look a bit bare, in future i would gather more data , ask more questions and have a different ways of expressing the gathered data to a viewer to make it as clear and concise as possible to get a point across as simply as possible .

overall i was mostly proud of the project but i feel there definitely could have been improvements made .

internet of things - product

Product - Our final product was the presentation itself, meaning the meat of it had to come from the information we gathered , the infographic I made and the pie chart of our survey data.

We first compiled a list of all the iot devices we could think of before putting it to google to finish off our list, I then spent a while searching for a good infographic making website to create the one used on our third slide. I eventually decided on using the UN global goals poster template and changing the smaller individual images and the text, making it my own and removing any kind of linkage to the original poster to avoid any copyright issues. Once i got the hang of it, it became a simple process of finding a small image of an iot device and dragging and dropping into one of the boxes as well as creating a new text box for the image title, we found it important to include an image title as some of the images do not make the idea very clear and we wanted it to be very visible to a viewer what they should be looking at.

We also surveyed a number of people asking them to list the iot devices they have at home, we then compiled our data into a google sheet. We later realised it would have been easier to carry out our survey through a site like survey monkey but as it was too late, we said we would let it be a learning experience for us and moved on with our project. We then discussed which kind of graph or chart would be most suitable to represent our findings. Ultimately we agreed a pie chart best expressed what we had found as it seemed to show more of the contrast between the numbers of certain devices in peoples homes. To make sure we did not forget what each item was we added labels to the graphic to show which block represented what on the chart, we also thought it would be beneficial to a viewer.

Meanwhile we had also been working on our presentation which was the main product of the mission for us, we compiled alot of data into our powerpoint before finally going through it and deciding what was usable and what wasn't. We had each agreed to work off of the same headings and try to find as much data on each heading as possible so we would end up with only the most important info left in our presentation. We also had to decide where each of the graphics would go in the presentation and who would talk about which slides. We each agreed that we would do a run through of how we would present it on the morning of our presentation and make any last minute changes, the last minute changes being the addition of transitions between slides, which overall seemed to grab attention.

Internet of Things - process

Process - our goals for this mission were to compile a list of as many devices that are apart of the internet of things, to learn about the security issues associated with the iot, how the iot affects home life and work life and to find out about the future of iot devices and what we can expect to see down the line.

We started our research by agreeing on times to meet outside of class time to work on our project, learning in my first project that we can all share a google slide to work simultaneously in our own time from home meant we were able to streamline the process of gathering useful information, learning from our last projects we each agreed to do independent research on the same topic, bringing together our findings and only using the most relevant info to use in our powerpoint so it did not end up feeling like 3 separate presentations again. We each used separate search engines to try to vary our sources as much as possible, this meant we were each able to teach each other.

Our end goal was to create a powerpoint with as much detail about the internet of things as possible as well as creating visual aids to show our findings, we also planned to carry out a survey asking people about what iot devices they have in their house holds, compiling the data and making a spreadsheet in google sheets before making it into a chart representing the data to use in our powerpoint.

We began by looking through the suggestions on the intro to cdm website but agreed we would prefer to use other sources as to not reuse the same information as other groups doing the same topic were sure to do, allowing our presentation to be as unique as possible.We also agreed to avoid any findings with any links to wikipedia for the purpose of not looking stupid by giving falsified information.

while making the infographic for the presentation I went through multiple design creating websites trying to find a suitable template  to use, in the end i used the UN global goals poster as a bases to go off of, changing the images to ones of iot devices as well as having to re type the names, to do this we had needed to have already compiled a list of some iot devices so this allowed us to show off some of our primary research.

One of my teammates gathered our survey data which allowed us to gain an insight into the knowledge other people have about the internet of things, and rough numbers for the amount of iot devices an average person would have. unfortunately we did  not think to use any kind of surveying site such as survey monkey which made the process a bit longer but we were able to create a pie chart to represent the data we gathered.

Digital audio - reflection

reflection - over the 3 week period i learned a lot about the evolution of digital audio recording technology, the significance of digital audio technology in modern daily life & about the composition of podcasts, my group learned by each doing our own individual research using different search engines trying to find a wide variety of sources to base our research on. We then met up multiple times to share what we found but we quickly found this tedious and made the process of sharing our findings longer so we decided to switch from sharing links and screenshots in our group chat to making a google slideshow so that we could all edit the presentation simultaneously and add information to it more regularly than when we could find a free computer in the college library.

It became clear for me very quickly that I knew much less about digital audio than I first would have thought as when we were doing our research I found I was learning a lot of new information, which I feel made the project seem like it had more of a purpose as we went through it. I did enjoy learning about the historical side of digital audio technology, going back as far as Edison and the phonograph, in future i would like to actually visit some kind of museum which houses these kind of old technologies and see if i can find out anything more even for myself.

I also  discovered that it was much easier to create my own podcast than I had thought, while doing my research i found multiple podcast hosting websites, which my group are talking about making our own more permanent show since doing this project, I had worked with audacity before so I was able to also teach my teammates how to use the software so we could all contribute to the formation of our podcast, unfortunately because we had to rush the making of our podcast we did not have time to make the audio clearer and it ended up sounding very grainy and un-level creating a bit of a mess for the audio track.

There was a bit of an issue with one of my teammates not taking on his share of the workload which caused issues for my group but we did manage to finish just in time to upload and present, my teammates also wanted to have a guest appear on our podcast which made its own issues arise such as scheduling conflicts and finding a suitable space to record. It also then became very frustrating trying to record due to bickering between one of my team mates and our guest, where we were asked not to use the audio.

Overall I think our podcast was successful as it was a good length and we did demonstrate some knowledge of editing skills and our presentation contained a lot of relevant information about the concept of digital audio as well as a brief history lesson for our peers.

digital audio - product

Product - We had 2 end products to create for the digital audio mission, we made a powerpoint presentation and a podcast for our project.

We began by doing primary research for our powerpoint by agreeing to come in early and stay in college late to get work done, we tried using the college library to do our research but found that there were never enough computers available for us to each be working on something simultaneously which slowed down the process of making our presentation. I suggested we use google slides so that we can all be simultaneously  working on the one presentation from separate accounts somewhat speeding up the process. This allowed us to share our findings quickly over the internet rather than sending screenshots and links in the slack channels and snapchat groupchats. This also meant we had easier access to each others information meaning we could use bits and pieces from each other, creating a real collaborative experience, and splitting the workload between the 3 of us. Ultimately we found this to not be beneficial as it made our project feel very separate as if it were 3 individual projects. I was also given the advice while researching to check a websites sources to make sure it was not previously sourced from an unreliable source such as wikipedia where it could be easily changed. We made our presentation, uploaded it on Moodle and presented in front of our group and received a 2/3

We also made a podcast to demonstrate our learning about the digital audio production. I first downloaded audacity onto my laptop as I had previous experience and was able to show my teammates how to make edits themselves so we could each add to the podcast. We used a blue snowball microphone to record our final product although we had tried on multiple occasions to record our podcast, always finding it hard to find a quiet room to record in, an empty room and we had planned to have a guest appear on our podcast so trying to find a time to suit us all proved to be more difficult than we thought. Eventually we found a time and place to suit us all to record but due to one of my team mates and the guest bickering he asked that we delete the recording and do it without him , putting us under unnecessary time pressure as it was very close to the time that we were supposed to present. Luckily we did manage to find a small empty room in the D block in which we could record our podcast just prior to presenting, the room seemed perfectly laid out as there were 3 chairs, and a small round table for us to sit around and record our podcast. We recorded for about half an hour, but after reviewing we cut it down to 25 minutes, we submitted our products and received a 2/3.

link to our podacast -

digital audio - process

Process- Our goals for this mission are the explore the history of the manufacture of digital audio, compile our findings into a powerpoint presentation and then present said findings to our peers. We also plan on making our own podcast as a way of demonstrating what we learn. We have a blue snowball microphone to record our podcast as well as that we will be using the software audacity to edit our audio recording.

We began by agreeing when and where to meet up to work on our group project as well as what we would each have to do individually in our own time, we came in early to use the mac labs on a number of occasions as well as staying in late in the library on our laptops to finish finding useful info. We spent much more time than we would have liked searching for empty rooms in the college to work on our project. We used many websites to compile our findings, we also tried to use different search engines , google, bing , yahoo etc. to hopefully mix up the search results and cover a more broad area of the internet. We used some of the resources  that were left on the intro to cdm website but ultimately felt it would be better to find new information and not to just reuse links, although we did use them as a guide of what to look for. We tried to separate the information that we felt we needed into 3 sections so each of us could specialize in 1 area and be better able to answer any questions we were asked, as we did not see an issue having our project separated into 3 sections.

We each tried to listen to as many podcasts over the time period to better understand how they should sound to a listener, and see what we could try to replicate in our own podcast. The Joe Rogan podcast seemed to be a big influence for our group as we had all listened to it before beginning our project and were partial fans of it, I myself use spotify and soundcloud often and occasionally stumble upon podcasts to listen to.

We also spoke to other groups tackling the same project to see what they had found and if there was any way we could help each other. We found that there were a number of people with similar ideas to us, so we thought we needed to find a way to stand out from other groups doing the digital audio mission, because of this we tried to go into great detail about the history of digital audio technology, and to aid this I made a small timeline of the bigger inventions that shaped modern digital audio.

Finally we did finish off our powerpoint and podcast in the nick of time just before we had to present and we felt we did a good job for our first college assignment.