Thursday 28 November 2019

internet of things - product

Product - Our final product was the presentation itself, meaning the meat of it had to come from the information we gathered , the infographic I made and the pie chart of our survey data.

We first compiled a list of all the iot devices we could think of before putting it to google to finish off our list, I then spent a while searching for a good infographic making website to create the one used on our third slide. I eventually decided on using the UN global goals poster template and changing the smaller individual images and the text, making it my own and removing any kind of linkage to the original poster to avoid any copyright issues. Once i got the hang of it, it became a simple process of finding a small image of an iot device and dragging and dropping into one of the boxes as well as creating a new text box for the image title, we found it important to include an image title as some of the images do not make the idea very clear and we wanted it to be very visible to a viewer what they should be looking at.

We also surveyed a number of people asking them to list the iot devices they have at home, we then compiled our data into a google sheet. We later realised it would have been easier to carry out our survey through a site like survey monkey but as it was too late, we said we would let it be a learning experience for us and moved on with our project. We then discussed which kind of graph or chart would be most suitable to represent our findings. Ultimately we agreed a pie chart best expressed what we had found as it seemed to show more of the contrast between the numbers of certain devices in peoples homes. To make sure we did not forget what each item was we added labels to the graphic to show which block represented what on the chart, we also thought it would be beneficial to a viewer.

Meanwhile we had also been working on our presentation which was the main product of the mission for us, we compiled alot of data into our powerpoint before finally going through it and deciding what was usable and what wasn't. We had each agreed to work off of the same headings and try to find as much data on each heading as possible so we would end up with only the most important info left in our presentation. We also had to decide where each of the graphics would go in the presentation and who would talk about which slides. We each agreed that we would do a run through of how we would present it on the morning of our presentation and make any last minute changes, the last minute changes being the addition of transitions between slides, which overall seemed to grab attention.

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